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  • Any source material is permitted as long as it: 
    • Is not written by the competitor who is performing it. Original source material is not permitted in any Interpretation event except Original Spoken Word Poetry.
    • It is publicly accessible throughout the duration of the tournament you are performing the piece.
      • If you are performing a print publication, you must have the original copy of the novel, short story, play, or poem available. The physical book or e-book is sufficient to prove the print publication is publicly accessible; photocopies of original literature are not acceptable.
      • If you found your source material online on a website (including if you downloaded a PDF from a website or are using a transcription of a video/audio file), you must be able to show that the source material is accessible for viewing or purchase via an internet search or URL. It should not be password protected or require access codes.
  • You may use material that is transcribed from video or audio files, but additional rules apply (see FAQ below).
  • You may use non-English material that is translated into English for performance, but additional rules apply (see FAQ below).