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National Speech & Debate Association Centennial Logo

June 2024 – June 2025

100 Years of Speech & Debate

Celebrating 100 Years of Speech and Debate! National Tournament June 15-20, 2025


People conducting a media event with camera


National Speech and Debate Logo


Celebrating 100 Years of Speech and Debate! National Tournament June 15-20, 2025


Centennial Sponsors



Remember Our Past, Support Our Present, Inspire Our Future

Save the Date Poster


Centennial Celebration Toolkit

Celebration Toolkit

Everything you need to need to be part of the celebration and promotion of the National Speech & Debate Association’s Centennial milestone.

Centennial Press Release Template

Press Releases

Media team conducting an interview

Cover the Celebration

Members of the media from national and local outlets are invited to attend the Centennial of the National Speech & Debate Association. Each person requesting credentials must complete an application.


Group of people sitting around a table in a large room
National Speech and Debate Centennial


100 Years of Speech & Debate!
Join the Celebration! June 2024-June 2025
100 Years of Speech & Debate! June 2024-June 2025
100 Years of Speech & Debate! June 2024-June 2025
100 Years of Speech & Debate! 1925-2025
100 Years of Speech & Debate!
Join the Celebration! June 2024-June 2025
Promote Your Team! Media Kit; Press release templates; Talking points; Print and digital graphics.
Host an Event! June 2024-June 2025
Collect Your Stories! Behind every team, champion, and coach, there is a moment, mentor, or story.
Celebrating 100 Years of Speech and Debate! National Tournament June 15-20, 2025
100 Years of Speech & Debate! June 2024-June 2025
100 Years of Speech & Debate! June 2024-June 2025