District Leadership Affirmation 2021 As a reminder, elected district leaders will serve a two-year term effective August 1, 2021, through July 31, 2023. Your Name* First Last Your Email* NSDA District*--select one--Mockingbird (AL)Arkansas (AR)Arizona (AZ)Big Valley (CA)Calif. Coast (CA)Capitol Valley (CA)East Los Angeles (CA)San Fran Bay (CA)Sierra (CA)Southern California (CA)West Los Angeles (CA)Colorado (CO)Colorado Grande (CO)Rocky Mountain - North (CO)Rocky Mountain - South (CO)Western Slope (CO)Florida Manatee (FL)Florida Oceanfront (FL)Florida Panther (FL)Florida Sunshine (FL)South Florida (FL)Georgia Northern Mountain (GA)Georgia Southern Peach (GA)Hawaii (HI)East Iowa (IA)West Iowa (IA)Idaho Gem of the Mountain (ID)Idaho Mountain River (ID)Inland Empire (ID)Greater Illinois (IL)Illini (IL)Northern Illinois (IL)Hoosier Crossroads (IN)Hoosier Heartland (IN)Northeast Indiana (IN)Northwest Indiana (IN)East Kansas (KS)Kansas Flint-Hills (KS)South Kansas (KS)Sunflower (KS)Three Trails (KS)West Kansas (KS)Kentucky (KY)Louisiana (LA)New England (MA)Chesapeake (MD)Maine (ME)Michigan (MI)Central Minnesota (MN)Northern Lights (MN)Southern Minnesota (MN)Carver-Truman (MO)Eastern Missouri (MO)Heart of America (MO)Ozark (MO)Show Me (MO)Magnolia (MS)Montana East (MT)Montana West (MT)Carolina West (NC)Tarheel East (NC)North Dakota Roughrider (ND)Nebraska (NE)Nebraska South (NE)New Jersey (NJ)New Mexico (NM)Golden Desert (NV)Sagebrush (NV)Hudson Valley (NY)New York City (NY)Eastern Ohio (OH)North Coast (OH)Northern Ohio (OH)Western Ohio (OH)East Oklahoma (OK)West Oklahoma (OK)North Oregon (OR)South Oregon (OR)Iroquois (PA)Pennsylvania (PA)Pittsburgh (PA)Valley Forge (PA)South Carolina (SC)Northern South Dakota (SD)Rushmore (SD)Tennessee (TN)Pacific Islands (TW)Central Texas (TX)East Texas (TX)Gulf Coast (TX)Heart of Texas (TX)LBJ (TX)Lone Star (TX)North Texas Longhorns (TX)South Texas (TX)Space City (TX)Tall Cotton (TX)UIL (TX)West Texas (TX)Yellow Rose (TX)Great Salt Lake (UT)Sundance (UT)Utah - Wasatch (UT)Virginia (VA)Puget Sound (WA)Western Washington (WA)Northern Wisconsin (WI)Southern Wisconsin (WI)West Virginia (WV)Hole in the Wall (WY)Wind River (WY)OtherCongratulations! Which of these roles best defines you?*Note: If you served in the same role previously, even if not last year, please consider that a re-election. I was elected as a first-time district chair. I was re-elected as district chair (I have served as a chair at some time in the past). I was elected or re-elected as a district committee member. Please indicate whether you accept or decline the role of district chair.*All district chairs will be required to go through a professional development refresher/onboarding this fall. Chairs serve as volunteer leaders for their district. In addition to running the district tournament, chairs are asked to provide general leadership and guidance in membership issues, welcome new member schools, and assist in communicating important information at the district level. I accept the role of district chair! I decline the role of chair but would like to stay on the district committee. I decline the role of chair and do not want to serve on the district committee. Please indicate whether you accept or decline the role of district committee member.*Note: Professional development refresher/onboarding is available for committee members, but not required. Committee members serve as volunteer leaders for their district. In addition to running the district tournament, committee members are asked to provide general leadership and guidance in membership issues, welcome new member schools, and assist in communicating important information at the district level. I accept the role of district committee member! I decline the role of committee member; please contact the next person in line for the role. Please provide a reason for declining your role.*What is one thing the national office could do to better support you in this role?*Besides the district tournament, what's one thing the NSDA and your district could partner on that would change speech and debate for the better in your district?*Demographic InformationDemographic info will be used to provide an overall baseline of representation to allow the NSDA to best target its recruitment process. This info will NOT be public. If you prefer not to answer a question, simply leave it blank. Thank you!Which category/categories best describe your race and ethnicity? Check all that apply.* African American or Black American Indian or Alaska Native or Indigenous or First Nations Arab or Middle Eastern Asian or Asian American Hispanic or Latina/Latino/Latinx Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander White or Caucasian or European American I prefer to self-identify Prefer not to say I would identify my race and ethnicity as: Do you identify as a person with a disability (a sensory, physical, mobility, health or age-related, cognitive, mental health, or other impairment or medical condition)? Yes No Other Prefer not to say I would identify my gender as: Do you identify as transgender? Yes No Prefer not to say Do you consider yourself a member of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and/or Transgender (LGBT+) community? Yes No Prefer not to say CommentsIs there anything you would like to add? (optional)EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.