The district tournament series is unique from many tournament experiences. It is called a series because many districts hold qualifying tournaments for different events on different dates. High school students who compete at the district tournament are attempting to qualify for a chance to compete at the National Speech & Debate Tournament.
The tournament series is run by your District Committee, which is a group of five or six individuals elected by the members of your district. Lean on them for guidance to help make sense of the process because the tournament is distinct in how it operates from many other tournaments during the year.
One of the unique aspects of the tournament is that students may not compete in the tournament without being members with a Degree of Merit (see the Eligibility Requirements FAQ below). Also, the number of entries afforded a school is limited based upon the school’s overall strength. Given the standards for entry, getting an opportunity to compete at the district tournament is an honor for your student.
Note: District tournaments only apply to high school membership; our middle school national tournament does not involve a qualifying process.